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* Header Search
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* scrollTop To Top
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* Theia sticky slider
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* Isotop Portfolio
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* Portfolio Open Light Box
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verticalFit: true
gallery: { enabled: true }
* About us Achiments Awards Counter
* AboutUs Section Accordion
heightStyle: "content"
* Success Product Counter
$('.cons_light_team-counter-wrap').waypoint(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
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setTimeout(function () {
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setTimeout(function () {
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* Masonry Posts Layout
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typeof Masonry !== undefined &&
typeof imagesLoaded !== undefined
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imagesLoaded(grid, function (instance) {
masonry = new Masonry(grid, {
itemSelector: '.hentry',
gutter: 15
* Testimonial
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items: 1
600: {
items: 2
1000: {
items: 3
* Client logo owl slider
$(' .client_logo').owlCarousel({
loop: true,
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nav: false,
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smartSpeed: 3000,
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* Add Icon Sub Menu
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$(".header-nav-toggle").keydown(function (event) {
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* search
* *****************/
$('.search_main_menu a').click(function () {
$('.ss-close').click(function () {
* init wow js
* *****************/
var wow = new WOW({
boxClass: 'wow', // animated element css class (default is wow)
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mobile: true, // trigger animations on mobile devices (default is true)
live: true, // act on asynchronously loaded content (default is true)
callback: function (box) {
// the callback is fired every time an animation is started
// the argument that is passed in is the DOM node being animated
scrollContainer: null, // optional scroll container selector, otherwise use window,
resetAnimation: true, // reset animation on end (default is true)
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/** seprate pricing value */
jQuery('.seprate-with-sup').each(function () {
var text = jQuery(this).text();
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jQuery(".sparkle-maintenance-countdown").each(function () {
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* Gallery Light Box
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